FEE 软装设计

AREA 1200 m²


Studio8 was commissioned for the visual identity, interior design and architecture of Anadu. Anadu wishes to provide to its guests with a peaceful holiday experience in nature. Keeping the local and environmental character of the location is one of the main concerns during the project development. From construction materials to design elements, and even food ingredients, Studio8 has tried to take full advantage of local resources. In terms of architecture and space design, Anadu is integrated into the surrounding landscape. The studio’s initial approach to the design concept: “Get along with nature, talk to yourself” gradually evolved into the core of the brand’s motto: “Find yourself in nature”.
The surrounding landscape of the project site is rich and unique:; however, after a first contact with the site, the studio team felt something was missing: a lack of water presence. Water itself, and especially a very calm water surface, generates immediately a sense of relax. The studio decided that this element would be the core of the hotel, a connection between the rooms that articulates the structure of the entire building. For that purpose, the roof of each floor was turned into an infinity water feature. By bringing natural elements into the architectural spaces, the design fosters a connection between the building and the outside. “Find myself in nature” becomes, then, a reality when experiencing the different rooms.
Four narratives are unfold in Studio8’s design, and become the themes of the rooms. Each room has been designed as an individual space, with its own story focused on elements that one can find within the surroundings. Each of these elements awake a different sense, or provoke a sensorial phenomenon.
1. Tea – This room faces the white tea harvest; the materials and color palette of the interior design echoes the tea theme.
2. Mountain – The room faces the mountain on the south, and the materials are natural stone and the color palette is dark grey. The water feature is designed to reflect the distant mountains.
3. Bamboo – The room faces the bamboo forest in the east, and its interior has a rice pink color palette and several objects made of bamboo wood.
4. Sky – The room is located on the third floor, which is also the top of the building. It is almost immersed by a boundless water feature, turning the room into a floating island. The studio designers challenged themselves to explore the poetic boundaries of the project’s concept. The third floor, then, was conceived as a platform able to behave like a mirror, and reflect almost the entire surroundings and the sky.






01_1F bar 一楼鸡尾酒吧 04
01_1F bar 一楼鸡尾酒吧 08
02_1F VIP entrance VIP室入口
03_1F stair case一楼楼梯
05_2F restaurant二楼用餐区 03
05_2F restaurant二楼用餐区 04
05_2F restaurant二楼用餐区 07
detail stairs
08_2F stairs二楼楼梯 02
07_2F balcony二楼阳台01
09_3F terrace三楼露台 03
detail niche 01
detail niche 02
detail restroom 01
detail restroom 02
06_2F stone window frame detail二楼石窗框细节

CATEGORY 类型  |  F&B 餐饮

FEE 软装设计

AREA 495 m²

Gud is a museum-like restaurant and cocktail bar located in a 1930s heritage building. The culinary peculiarity of hotpot is transformed into a physical canvas to highlight the continuous interaction between food and space.



— STUDIO8 designs GUD Restaurant & Cocktail Bar in Hangzhou

Located in a heritage building from the 1930s in the central area of Hangzhou, GUD is a restaurant and cocktail bar specializing in hotpot cuisine and craft cocktails. STUDIO8 was commissioned to design the architecture re-use, interior and visual identity for the project.

Unfortunately, as happens with many buildings in China throughout modern history, the villa was almost “eaten up” by the city from 1939 to 2020, with only one complete façade left facing the street. The interior was also renovated, extended and changed several times, from residential to multiple commercial uses.

The site includes the villa originally built in 1939, its extension in the north and the ground floor space from the building next door to the west. The architects were given the site to turn into a hotpot restaurant. STUDIO8 believes the best way to preserve a historic building is to make it functional to meet today’s needs, giving a new life to it. The three-story villa was a residential building without any restroom or large kitchen. The re-use of it demanded a delicate and respectful renovation. Therefore, service and utility spaces such as kitchen, restroom and a vertical connection for public use were arranged into the extension and the building next door, leaving the villa for pure culinary experience.

Referencing the richness of the site’s heritage and the culinary peculiarity, the concept was strongly inspired by the food culture and atmosphere and takes a more abstract approach. To STUDIO8, it was extremely important to create, and consequently experience, a physical canvas created to highlight the continuous interaction between food and space.

Rather than showing specific local or historical characters of various hotpots from all over China, after studying the core of food culture thoroughly, the architects decided to transform hotpot’s cooking principle into a unique museum-like experience in on different levels. They named the restaurant “GUD” after the historical name for hotpot in 220 AD – “GuDong pot”, like the sound of boiling soup. The logo design was inspired by the shape of copper pots used in that period as well.

In Chinese culture, eating hotpot is a special and important moment where people gather, mostly a group of friends or family, to share food and joy. With heat (from fire or electric stove), the ingredients are deconstructed by the energy and then reconstructed in liquid (water or soup), thus being elevated, together with the time spent among people, to another level of flavor. As the three key elements in hotpot, heat (fire), medium (water) and elevation of flavor (steam) were respectively correlated to each floor as in function, materiality, textures and light.

As the first element, heat – the energy that boils the liquid – is a fundamental design factor to the first floor, where human interactions were planned out accordingly. The aim was to create a warmer and more welcoming space at the beginning of the hotpot experience, where people and friends can meet first, have a cocktail and wait for everyone to arrive. Therefore, the first floor is designed as a cocktail bar to act as an energy generator and set the mood. Red floor, fireplace extended towards the ceiling, bottom-lit boiserie, rising sculptural columns that display antique hotpots, and scattered red velvet sofas were designed to give a dynamic and energetic ambience. Metaphorically being deconstructed by “fire”, these elements create a more vivid and warm interaction amongst people. Part of the original brick wall façade was kept and exhibited in the bar to recall the building’s past. A recessed mirrored ceiling at the side of the wall and the doorway towards VIP rooms expands the space and takes the experience to the next level.

After passing through the heated cocktail bar, comes the second element, water – the medium that reunites all elements. Family and friends are seated together in groups around the round tables at on the second floor for the food experience, a process that the architects relate to water reconstructing the atoms of the ingredients. The second floor is surrounded by glass brick niches, reusing the depth of old windows on the original façade blocked by neighboring buildings. Resin blocks with different cores are displayed as an abstract hint of recomposed flavor. On this floor, an old wall with a stone window frame was preserved and used as a partition between tables. The wooden roof structure and balcony were also carefully protected and highlighted.

The old wooden stairs of the villa were very narrow, steep and badly damaged, couldn’t serve the current F&B function. For better circulation, the architects relocated the vertical connection of the building to the patio space of the existing building extension. To enhance the experience, the new staircase is covered with double glazed U-shaped glass partitions along all floors with a lighting system to represent the continuous energy flow transition, at the end of which is the terrace space and a more exclusive private VIP room. Here, the customers are reconnected with the city and able to look at it from the different heights and angles, corresponding to the last element – steam – elevation of taste. The simply designed interior shows off the geometric shape of the attic, while benches on the roof allow customers to have a more exclusive interaction with the city.

The architects also carefully designed a few other visual features. The stainless canopy on each floor to highlights the beauty of the preserved façade while hiding the gutters. The curved copper board at the entrance serves as a wayfinding sign without changing the original parapet. The stainless steel board on the terrace covers the outdoor equipment and adjacent buildings, creating contrast and solitude, while adding a contemporary touch.

Over the past few years, STUDIO8 has been working on various restoration projects such as Cloud Hotel, Charcohol Restaurant & Cocktail bar, Himalaya Yueyang (under construction) and Former residence of Xu Chongzhi (under construction). As a multidisciplinary architecture studio with mixed Chinese and European culture, STUDIO8’s has been creating story-telling spacial experiences under the principle of designing for the present and respecting history and local culture.



















FFE 软装设计

AREA 420 m²

Duplex apartment for a close-knit family providing maximum visual and spatial connections between spaces with timeless contemporary tastes.



UR Duplex Apartment in Shanghai by STUDIO8
— “ALWAYS HAVING YOU IN SIGHT” APARTMENT connected by one “bridge” and two staircases

How to describe and preserve time when you are with your loving ones? When you are at home, you might want to have some “me” time as well as have all your family members in sight.

Shanghai-based architecture design studio STUDIO8 has completed a 420-square-metre duplex apartment for a young couple with two kids. The couple wants a spatial and clean space where they can have their own space for different activities and at the same time be able to spend quality time with family and friends. Converting the owners’ way of living into timeless space design is a key focus in residential design for STUDIO8. “The owners of a home shall always be the soul of the place and our key inspiration,” said the architect.

The apartment is located on a quiet street in the center of Shanghai along which grows French platanus and magnolia trees over ten-meter-height. The tree crowns are just at the height of the balcony window, which make the apartment an urban retreat for the family. The project involved transforming a 4.6-meter height space into a duplex apartment creating connections between various rooms and updating it to a better match with the clients’ contemporary tastes.

The owner told the architects that they don’t need too many rooms. After listening to the family’s needs and description of their daily life, the architects have decided to make the space as open as possible creating most chance of sight connections between areas. Taking advantage of the height of the apartment, a sculptural volume formed by a passage, a straight staircase and a fireplace is inserted into the junction of living room, dining room and kitchen, joining as well as dividing the public and private functions of the house. In order to make the mezzanine more solid and stable, STUDIO8 has decided to use reinforced concrete as structure, which makes it crucial to study the opens of each space and position the beams strategically hidden without affecting the ceiling height for both floors.

The passage of central volume starts from the entrance, passing through the dining room and living room at its both sides, horizontally connecting the kid’s room, storage room, couples’ walk-in closet and husband’s study room on the upper floor, while the straight staircase and the fireplace, as the feature of the double height living space creates the vertical connection. From the family room downstairs to the study room upstairs, from the veranda to the living room, from the passage upstairs to the fireplace corner downstairs, the family can have sight connection with each other from every corner of the open area. A second more private metal staircase is also from the master bedroom to their walk-in closet.

Special lighting features are designed to complement the humble material choices. Lava stone and stucco of marble powder provide the space a timeless homogeneous shade with subtle reflection on surfaces of different textures. A dynamic modular sofa island is placed in the center of the living room to connect all areas around, where the kids can climb from one side to the other. The family room next to it, being comparatively the lowest space, is opening towards the double height staircase with continues light oak floor and low furniture setting that make the space cozy and spatial. Beside the dining table with irregular pebble-shaped frosted glass pendants hanging over is the veranda and the warm grey monochromatic kitchen. The kitchen is under the walk-in closet that limited its ceiling height. But thanks to the connection with the dining room and the sight of the street trees from the veranda windows, it feels just like a breath between the two areas.

“We really enjoy the time STUDIO8 has planned for us in different corners and the fact that we can always have each other in sight”, said the owner. And that’s exactly STUDIO8’s aim for this duplex apartment.








特殊的设计旨在与简约的材料选择形成对比。 火山石和大理石粉灰泥为空间提供了均匀色调以及经久的美感,光线在不同纹理的表面上形成微妙的反射。 一组动感的模块化沙发中岛被放置在客厅的中央,连接周围的各个区域,孩子们在上面可以从一侧爬到另一侧。 客厅旁边的家庭房是相对最低的空间,但这里向挑空空间敞开,配合连续的浅色橡木地板和低矮的家具布置,使空间显得温馨而宽敞。 悬挂一组不规则鹅卵石状磨砂玻璃吊灯的餐桌旁,是日光室和暖灰色的单色厨房。 厨房位于步入式衣橱下方,天花高度受到限制。 但位于高天花的餐厅和日光室的行道树影间,感觉就像两个区域之间的一次呼吸,全然没有压抑之感。

“我们真的很享受八荒设计为我们安排在家里不同角落的时光,而且这里的每一刻时光我们都能关注到彼此”公寓的主人说道。 这也正是八荒设计这套复式公寓的想要达成的效果。





FEE 软装设计

AREA 204 m²





FEE 软装设计

AREA 535 m²

STUDIO8 has defined “responsibility” as the concept and aim of this project, expressing both the brand’s attention to the environment and STUDIO8’s sense of responsibility as an architecture firm in commercial space renovation projects. The inspiration for the interior design comes from the abstract beauty of the Nordic forest, immersing in the quality of life and environmental awareness conveyed by the space and exhibits.




STUDIO8 Architects recently completed the design of the Nordic kitchen appliance brand ASKO’s first domestic flagship experience center. STUDIO8 was responsible for the building facade renovation and interior design of the experience center. The experience center is located in Lujiazui Binjiang Financial City next to the old shipyard in Pudong. Each building along the street has a different architectural facade style representing its own corporate image.

How to express brand value in space? STUDIO8 has defined “responsibility” as the concept and aim of this project, expressing both the brand’s attention to the environment and STUDIO8’s sense of responsibility as an architecture firm in commercial space renovation projects.

The inspiration for the interior design comes from the abstract beauty of the Nordic forest. The architects use multiple dimensions such as technology, space, color, material, and landscape to tell multiple narratives, allowing visitors to feel as if they are walking in an abstract Nordic forest, immersing themselves in the quality of life and environmental awareness conveyed by the space and exhibits.

The building facade transforms the consideration of sustainable lifestyle into spatial language. STUDIO8 delivered a simple and responsible solution for the facade design. The second facade of matte black sunshade louvers wrap around the original glass facade. Under the sunlight, light and shadow shining through the gaps of the aluminum louvers outline the “expressions” of the two spaces divided by the building façade, leaving a quiet but significant note on this street different from other corporate pavilions on the street. The density of the shading louvers gradually become sparse from top to bottom, providing different levels of transparency and privacy for indoor spaces on different floors. From outside, the building facade looks like morning mist rising on the Nordic horizon and gradually dissipating.

The “expressions” on the façade are the result of precise calculations of the building’s orientation and the angles of sunlight at different seasons within a year. In summer, it can reduce the energy consumption required by the exhibition hall due to shading system; and in winter, it can introduce beautiful light and shadow, raising the energy efficiency inside the experience center. At the same time, its transparency allows the interior to be vaguely visible from the street. Like the concept of “forest”, it creates a profound and gentle visual experience. This design, which combines aesthetics and environmental protection, reflects the practice of sustainable lifestyle.

Based on the circulation flow and the existing structural columns on the site, STUDIO8 organically arranged a “tree array” of irregular polygons with different sizes. Especially on the first floor, the double height space near the facade resembles towering trees and, with the lighting fixtures, gives visitors an impressing feeling as if they are strolling in a primitive forest. Green plants are scattered throughout the space and terrace, showing life everywhere. There are edible spices such as mint and rosemary. While appreciating, the concept of sustainability is also embodied in the details of the space.

The balance between life and nature comes from the harmonious symbiotic relationship between humans and the environment. The aim is to create an abstract experience that transforms the physical space of the experience center into an immersive walk in nature, bringing visitors into the serene and fresh “Nordic forest” atmosphere. The architects cleverly incorporated various abstract elements of nature, such as icebergs, oceans, and forests, into the exhibition hall, allowing visitors to feel the natural tension brought by the materials and narrating the story of the Nordic forest. The metaphorical global issues such as global warming and pollution are also environmental problems that the design and brand want to focus on and explore. Communicating brand philosophy and thoughts through space is the original intention of the design this time.

The second floor is a VIP dining area where guests can feel the refinement and ceremony lifestyle in the dining space surrounded by a fireplace and an open kitchen. On this floor, the elements of the abstract Nordic forest are not as strong as on the first floor, but they are still clearly visible in the double height space connected to the first floor. The density of the sunshade louvers on the building facade of the second floor provides both a distant view of the outside and a certain degree of obstruction, providing privacy for the VIP dining area.

The third floor is a small wine and cigar room for business discussion. Here, the elements of the abstract forest are no longer visible, but are replaced by a terrace surrounded by maple trees and edible herbs, reconnecting with the city. The ground of the terrace is made of raised reclaimed wood floor, simple and environmentally friendly.

In response to the problems of excessive urbanization and unbalanced agricultural cultivation, the vertical greening, hydroponic greening, and terrace greening in the showroom have chosen edible varieties such as rosemary, basil, sage, and mint. Besides landscaping purposes, they are also provided to participants in cooking training for experience.

In the end, as a kitchen appliance brand experience center, the responsibilities that companies and architects can do and bear are still very limited, and the urgency of environmental issues requires more attention. Therefore, in different corners of the showroom, there are descriptions of the environmental situation and issues at the time of the completion of the Asko House, serving as reminders to all visitors of their environmental protection awareness.

In addition, the project also uses reclaimed materials, energy-saving lighting fixtures, and intelligent environmental protection facilities, fully reflecting the Nordic style’s emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable living. The integration of philosophy and modern technology creates an exhibition space that is not only contemporary but also highly humanistic.

This showroom design perfectly captures the essence of the balance between life and nature, demonstrating the brand’s and designer’s practice of nature and sustainable development. Through the clever integration of design elements, visitors can intuitively feel the tranquility and vitality brought by the space while exploring the journey of the abstract Nordic forest, and at the same time, rethink the importance of a sustainable lifestyle.








CATEGORY 类型  | F&B 餐饮

FEE 软装设计

AREA 258 m²






FEE 软装设计

INTERIOR 300 sqm
TERRACE 190 sqm

Modern Tranquility: Zen in the Office | CISHAN’s Workspace Design


“CISHAN” is a catering company that possesses several catering brands. The office is located on the top floor of a building in a business park near Xixi Wetland. The company prides itself on a low-key, restrained, serene and rational atmosphere. We hope that in the design, the brand ethos and design concept can be subtly reflected  thoughtful material selection, strategic spatial layouts, the interplay of solid and void spaces, seamless indoor-outdoor transitions, the integration of natural landscapes, and the display of antique furniture.

Work is a part of life. In contemporary workspaces, the warmth and homely ambiance are crucial elements that cannot be overlooked. Therefore, beyond the conventional office space design, we integrate diversified spaces to meet different demands, partially domesticize the office space, and make the environment for daily work more comfortable and pleasant. The space circulations are divided into dynamic and static to respectively corresponding to the usage paths for public communication and internal office work.

The original building layout features a square and regular column grid structure. We aimed to create an open office environment that seamlessly integrates with the external environment, blending indoor spaces with outdoor nature while maintaining areas of privacy.The overall spatial structure adopts a combination of solid and void.We enclosed a relatively “solid” central island area in the center of the column grid to accommodate small conference rooms, open kitchens, and photocopying storage functions. This multi-functional central island serves as a transition between public and private spaces, separating the public area for reception and communication from the relatively private and quiet office area. The columns are partially exposed, softening the sense of enclosed volume of the central island and allowing the space to flow.

Next to the physical central island is a landscape void space to supplement the lighting, serving as another core element in the office. We hope to create a natural place for the enclosed indoor office space to connect with the outdoors. Utilizing the top-floor advantage, we partially renovated the building to design a sunken courtyard, introducing a skylight that connects the indoor space with the rooftop terrace. The courtyard features varying tree pits to accommodate different plant root systems, enriching the landscape. No matter from the “living room” reception area at the entrance of the elevator hall, through the open kitchen, or from the internal open office area and the aisle leading to the bathroom, you can see this opposite courtyard, and feel the outdoor atmosphere from the interior. The outdoor landscape and the indoor space are both independent yet intricately connected.

This natural area serves multiple functions, including providing views, lighting, partitioning, and spatial transitions, while also connecting the open office space and the meeting room.To access the meeting room, one must pass through the courtyard via a transitional gray space corridor, offering a unique experience of moving from indoors to outdoors and back. The wall design of the patio is ingenious in its extension to the roof terrace, which not only connects the upper and lower space, but also leaves a courtyard landscape frame scene for the reception room, retaining the privacy. The internal company stairs lead to the rooftop terrace, a completely outdoor space. Instead of using ready-made outdoor furniture, we custom-cast concrete into a fireplace, low tables, seats, and tree pits, backed by steel plate retaining walls and embellished with greenery, creating a multifunctional outdoor area suitable for both relaxation and work-related gatherings.

The entire office space employs a ceiling-free design, exposing the original beam structure, with spotlights providing precise lighting where needed. The pendant lights in the open office area offer both upward and downward illumination, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The indoor materials are simple and restrained, primarily using wood, artistic paint, and self-leveling cement. The public area’s open kitchen and tea space are wrapped in black wood panels, with black-framed glass facing the open office space. The same wood panel material is used to enclose the pipe shaft opposite the island, creating a semi-enclosed long bench space where people can rest, converse, and interact with the open kitchen. The window-side cabinets in the open office area also use black wood panels, integrated with office furniture, establishing a calm and restrained dialogue between different materials.)

Soft elements in the space come from the owner’s beloved antique furniture collection. The small stool and coffee table in the reception area, the tea table and chairs in the meeting room, the side table next to the light well corridor, and a Ming chair and a set of Chinese medicine drawers at the end of the open office area all subtly balance the office’s rational and rigid elements. Here, the combination of office space and old furniture creates a Zen-like atmosphere, serene with a touch of warmth. Extending the company’s brand ethos, the western restaurant “Shy table” is located on the ground floor of the building. From the top-floor office to the ground-floor restaurant, the design consistently conveys the brand’s restrained and serene image and character, from the overall concept to the finest details.





FEE 软装设计

AREA 1061 sqm


— Lost in the mountain clouds, nestled in the forest

Nestled in the mountains of Moganshan, Cloud Hotel sits serenely in a bamboo forest in Deqing County, a popular retreat destination 200km away from Shanghai. The original building had three levels built along the mountain slope and carried features inspired by European castles. STUDIO8 was commissioned to renovate the architecture and interiors and redesign the visual identity.

In the renovation process, STUDIO8 aimed to best utilize the natural slope formed by the landscape, while taking full advantage of the spectacular mountain views. The designers were also faced with a challenge to create a dynamic integration of the spatial experience and the “Cloud” brand image, and to infuse it into all design decisions. “Architecture built in nature functions as the media in between humans and nature; it should blend into the landscape organically, instead of just being in it,” says the studio principal.

The original building had guest rooms on the first and second floors; a lightweight extension with arched glazings had been added on top to serve as the dining space. While the architecture lacked a coherent hierarchy and style, it did have a feature that served the renovation well – it was not built directly against the mountain, providing much more room and potential for the extension. Rather than stacking upwards, STUDIO8 decided to bring life to the underused belowground levels, adding more layers into the space without increasing the height of the building or creating additional impact to the environment.

The new hotel has a total of five levels terraced alongside the mountain slope. Entering from the west corner of the premises, guests pass through the garden and arrive at the reception, a glass room enclosed by large glazings. On one side of the reception is the wine cellar and the private dining room, linked by a sunken garden designed to provide more natural light and better views; on the other side lies the steel staircase, leading to the swimming pool and the restaurant on the second level.

To achieve a consistent brand image, STUDIO8 carefully curated the interior and visual identity design of the hotel to match well with the “Cloud” concept. The ubiquitous presence of curve and arch elements akin to clouds can be seen throughout the space – the ceiling, the spiral staircase, and the openings in various expressions. All guest rooms have a white arched terrace that overlooks the swimming pool and provides a panoramic view of the valleys and gentle hills beyond, conveying a feeling of “walking in the clouds”.

Pure white finishes give a clean background to the interiors of the restaurant, while the bronze accent found in the tables and lighting adds a warm, earthy tone. The dining area boasts a cloud-like fluctuating ceiling that also hides the light strips and air vents in between the gaps. A one-off vintage cabinet from Belgium – the focal point of the dining space – is set against the whitewashed wall. The restaurant also features customized circular dining tables made of wood, local granite and rufous lacquered stone.

To avoid cliché and excessive ornaments, the interior settings are kept to a minimum for a bright and airy feel. Guest rooms have a subdued aesthetic. In the largest suite, a bespoke laurel green headboard hangs from a brass rod, echoing the green-hued Persian carpet and green walls in the bathroom. The curve element appears not only in the spiral stair but also in the bathroom partition walls. Gentle curves soften the room’s layout, re-emphasizing the light and airy feeling of the “Cloud”.

Cloud Hotel isn’t the first hotel in Mogan Mountain that STUDIO8 has worked on – back in 2017, it completed the architecture, interior and visual identity design of Anadu, another luxury resort in the same region. Both being a covetable getaway for people to jump out of the city and have a moment of peace, Anadu, built from the ground up, boasts a meditative, solitary experience which connects to the nature; while Cloud Hotel transformed the originally ponderous building into a poetic and ethereal presence by blending it into the landscape in a rather spontaneous manner.




八荒设计拿到项目后第一个考虑的问题,就是如何在有限的占地面积中,最大程度地利用山地特有的高差优势对建筑进行改造。同时,也面临着另一挑战——如何将云顶堡的品牌概念与人的空间体验更有机地结合, 提升人、建筑和自然的融合。八荒设计师认为自然景观中的建筑,作为连接人与自然的媒介,应该真正与自然融为一体,而不是仅仅简单地存在于其中。




纯白的饰面给予餐厅一个干净的背景,餐厅原木色的桌椅有着树木的纹路, 与自然景色相呼应,让人拥抱自然、回归自然,、融入自然。就餐区云朵般起伏的吊顶,同时也把光带、空调出风口巧妙的隐藏于云朵的缝隙中。设计师从家具厂仓库淘来的独一无二的自比利古董餐柜依靠着就餐区的白墙,不动声色的吸引着所有目光。为了与其独特性相得益彰,圆形餐桌也采用专属定制,以当地木材、花岗岩和锈蚀漆石制成,配合了整个项目的几何线条及材质风格。









02-entrance 02
03-entrance 03
04-foyer 01_key visual column
04-foyer 04_key visual column
05-wood arcade 02
05-wood arcade 01
06-charcoal main hall 02_bar
06-charcoal main hall 07_arch
06-charcoal main hall 07_detail
07-ash arcade 01
07-ash arcade 02
07-ash arcade 04
08-detail 01_furniture

CATEGORY 类型  |  F&B 餐饮

FEE 软装设计

AREA 300 m²


When Time Axis & Temperature Axis Cross
—CHARCOHOL Restaurant & Cocktail Bar

Located in a heritage building in Fengsheng Li in the center of Shanghai, CHARCOHOL is a restaurant and cocktail bar specializing in charcoal-grilled global cuisine and craft cocktails. STUDIO8 was commissioned to design the visual identity, architecture re-use, interior, landscape and soft decoration for the project.

Creating an exclusive food experience always starts with a strong concept in mind, which gradually evolves until it’s finalized with carefully selected details. When Chef Mandela Zhu first met STUDIO8’s design principals, Shirley and Andrea, he told them the food and drinks of his new bar are greatly inspired by forest and fire. The miraculous chemistry of taste happens when carefully selected simple ingredients are cooked at the right temperature for the right time. In a way, design is very similar to culinary arts. STUDIO8 was very inspired by the chef’s cooking principles in all of their F&B projects. This is why Shirley and Andrea named the restaurant CHARCOHOL, a combination of charcoal and alcohol, also the concept of CHARCOHOL’s logo.

STUDIO8 embarked on creating a space that reflects the chef’s vision and ultimately goes beyond it. Inspired by the transformative nature of charcoal and its role in food creation, the design unfolds around an axis of time, crossed by an axis of temperature.

From south to north, stretching across the main entrance, three dining halls conceptualize the transformation of wood to charcoal and finally to ash. The notion of the dining concept is summed up in the small portico at the entrance, where a half-burnt wooden column hangs from the ceiling and ends in a lava stone block on the floor, welcoming the guests.

Consequently, the first hall implements wood flooring and preserves the untouched original walls of the building, while the main hall is converted to total black. At the end of the space follows the third hall, which once again shows some of the original brick wall and is finished with white-grey plastered walls. A glass box with ashes adorns this space as well. In the orthogonal direction, one can observe the temperature axis, spanning from the kitchen to the fireplace and projected on the ground through reddish tiles.

In line with the concept, each dining hall obtains its own particular ambience from partially custom-made furniture, lighting and installation. The wood hall opens towards the main plaza of Fengsheng Li, where sunlight shines through the trees onto the brick walls. In the center of CHARCOHOL is the main black hall, the most intimate and cozy area in the whole space. The rough texture of the black walls and floors reflects light differently throughout the day, creating a changing ambience. At the cross of the time and the temperature axes, above the bar, a giant installation of fanned palm leaves arranged by STUDIO8 hangs underneath the reflective stainless steel dome, celebrating the banquet of food and drink. Along the time axis in the ash area, another installation made of banana leaves and eucalyptus seeds hangs like a bouquet chandelier, representing renewal from ash.

Considering that the restaurant occupies a historic house in the center of Shanghai, the renovation demands a respectful attitude towards the architectural heritage. Therefore, special details were developed to connect the new facade elements and the old structure. The newly added steel and glass structure is completely detached from the original building, and a system of special wall washer lighting highlights the beauty of the architecture, giving it the quality of a museum.

CHARCOHOL also has an outdoor seating area, which carries on the design of the ash area and is an extension of the temperature axis. The main feature here is the glass room, where guests can enjoy freshly baked food from the nearby brick stove. The garden also has a mix of aromatic flowers and herbs, some of which are used in the kitchen.











06-charcoal main hall 02_bar


CATEGORY 类型  |  F&B 餐饮

FEE 软装设计

AREA 750 m²

Introverted Space and Selective Expression | ‘shy table’ restaurant


Located in the Rising Center near the Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, “馐(Gourmet)·shy table” is a innovation western restaurant based on continental cuisine and its cooking integrates with local ingredients. The selection of the brand name “shy” conveys characteristics of introversion, truth, low profile and quietude, just like the personality of the owner. The relationship between people and food in Western cuisine is the subject-object relationship. People taste the ingredients rationally after “dissecting” the food with cutlery. Space design introduces this dietary philosophy and analyzes the relationship between human and space with a rational attitude.

Following the functional layout and considering the interpretation and translation of the brand culture, we redesigned the column grid and circulation originally used as an office space and selectively enclosed a semi-private and semi-open dining area with skill and ease. We used floor-to-ceiling drapes as partitions in some areas, creating an echo with the undecorated columns. We designed an arc and a slanted low wall to break the usual layout of the hall space, re-establishing the spatial order. The symbol is derived from the western tableware. The slanted line is like the cutting of a knife, while the arc is like the curve a person makes when dipping into the sauce. These two walls add a set of diagonal axes to the originally horizontal and vertical column grid space, and the diagonal axes run from the interior to the exterior, with the paving following the axial layout.

The transformation of architectural space focuses on the connection and echo with the original building’s structure. There are two floors in the restaurant: the main dining area with an outdoor garden and the underground bar dining area. In order to connect these two areas, we expanded the garden entrance first. Also, we dismantled the original metal column ornament and use the dismantled metal plates and concrete to create a new column with the same shape as the original column. Meanwhile, we pushed this new column outward without destroying the rhythm of the original facade, and thus widened the canopy, naturally realizing the space transition of the indoor and outdoor. The enclosed garden is a square space, which is reminiscent of the orderly agrumeto in the West. We chose local citrons and combined the tree array with the seat, the central fireplace and the light strings between the trees, creating a romantic and breezy atmosphere for dining in the orchard.

Secondly, we extended the staircase to connect the upper and lower floors. Combined with the light, the traffic space serves as a sensory transition. From the palpable light and shadow at the landing of the staircase, the steel railing panels are designed to be high enough to block views, allowing people to experience the space gradually opening up as they climb down the steps. When people step down, the light merges with a sculpture suspended on a black mirror-finishing wall, where the light source comes from overhead and guides those ascending the stairs.

Light not only is the striking point of a space but also exaggerates the mood of the space. Especially for restaurants, the creation of an atmosphere is essential. The whole restaurant adopts an open space, partial spotlights or ceiling lamps with table lamps, and some small point lights are appropriately set in some key places. The whole space is dominated by warm color light, gestating moderate and reserved spatial sentiments. The ventilation pipe and other equipment rowing on the ceiling have been delicately combed and designed, all of which are stored on one side, and the external package is made of sound-absorbing materials, which are inconspicuously hidden into the bottom of the beam. Natural light shines into the underground space through skylights, planting wells and skylight corridors, casting a rhythmic light and shadow on the walls.

The design of the building’s facade echoes the theme “shy”, hoping to leave a low-profile and mysterious impression from the exterior as well. The window frame serves as a link between the interior and exterior, and we chose to weaken the interaction between the interior and exterior in a subtle way, using partial blocking to reveal only part of the dining table and chair legs, so that viewers passing by outdoors can’t see what’s on the table and who’s dining there. Mini-paintings hanging on the wall make each pane of the window frame a scene and make the facade gallery-like, attracting people to get closer to appreciate it. While more imagination is introduced in between such obscurity. The design transformation of the “馐(Gourmet)·shy table” responds to the brand’s tone and concept–modesty, low profile, delicacy and introversion in every detail, and at the same time opens up more ideas for designing the space of this ordinary office building.